The Houston Airport System and Edge4Vets Partner to Provide FREE Job Prep Workshop for Veterans
April 11, 2018

The Houston Airport System (HAS) in partnership with the Edge4Vets team and other local sponsors recently partnered to provide training and job opportunities for some of our nation’s service personnel who are returning to the civilian workforce.  It’s all part of the effort to identify talented personnel for local aviation jobs, while ensuring that the right consideration is given to those who have fought and served.

“Veterans have made great employees for HAS and our process for hiring is open to all and is competitive,” said Harleen Hines-Smith, HAS’ Chief Human Resources Officer. “The Edge4Vets program provides clarity to our vets about what employers are looking for, so that they can articulate how their skills translate into real assets for the right company.”

The Edge4Vets program consists of two components: the first is the “PREP” phase.  It involves an online preparation program that helps veterans translate their military skills into terminology that resonates with recruiters and HR specialists. During this phase, veterans create their own personal “Plan4Success” which helps identify their most important skill sets and leadership experiences that help them stand out.

After the “PREP” phase, participants are invited to “CONNECT” with recruiters and employers from the airport system and affiliated business partners.  The airport system and the business partners provide employees in leadership roles, managers and supervisors who act as mentors to provide guidance for veteran applicants.  The goal is to hold conversations and help veterans understand where their skills may best be utilized, in this case in the air travel industry.  

“We had more than 20 veterans and over 30 mentors in attendance at our April 4 event,” said “Harry” Singh, HAS’ Community Relations. “This workshop offered great perspective on how to interview as well as unique resume writing tips for veterans, in addition to the opportunity for networking.”

One participant noted, “I learned how to correlate my skills on a resume with keywords to receive more attention when applying. I also learned how to tie in my military skills to better help the company I am applying for understand my fit for the position as well as within the organization.”

Edge4Vets was developed by the Human Resiliency Institute at Fordham University in New York and comes to HAS in partnership with Airport Council International – North America following successful applications on the East and West Coasts. For more information about Edge4Vets, visit: