Clearing the way: Bush Airport’s mission to keep runways safe

Every small detail on the runway matters, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Discover how Houston Airports is taking proactive steps to ensure safety where it counts most.

September 5, 2024

At George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), every scrap of trash, every loose bolt on the airfield poses a silent but serious threat. It’s a high-stakes game where the smallest item—a stray bottle cap, a piece of torn asphalt—can spell disaster, damaging aircraft engines, shredding tires, or turning into deadly projectiles in the wake of a jet blast.

Jet blast, the forceful gust created by an aircraft's engines, is powerful enough to send seemingly harmless objects hurling through the air at dangerous speeds. For Bush Airport’s Airside Operations team, keeping the runway clear is not just a routine task—it’s a mission critical to the safety of every flight.

To tackle this threat head-on, Houston Airports is mobilizing its own workforce. Employees from the Administration Building and across Bush Airport are stepping onto the tarmac – in safety vests and closed-toe shoes - dedicating an hour at a time to rid every corner of the airfield of FOD. It’s a hands-on approach to a problem that requires constant vigilance.

Houston Airports began extending invitations for monthly ‘FOD Walks’ earlier this year. 

“A FOD Walk is a time when people come out and walk on the ramps and look for pieces of trash or debris and pick it up,” said Derek Warneke, an Airside Operations Supervisor at IAH for Houston Airports. “We make sure the runways and taxiways are safe for aircraft, for all customers and all tenants.” 

In an environment where precision and safety intersect, the ongoing FOD walks at Bush Airport are more than just cleanup efforts—they’re a testament to the commitment of Houston Airports to protecting the integrity of every takeoff and landing one teeny tiny piece of trash at a time.

"These FOD walks are vital to maintaining the safety and efficiency of our airfield," said Steve Runge, Chief of Operations for Houston Airports. "By participating, our team not only helps keep the airfield clear but also gains a deeper understanding of the environment our operations teams work in every day. It’s about building awareness and fostering a culture of safety while building camaraderie in at the airport."

FOD Walk
Houston Airports employees participate in a FOD Walk at Bush Airport in August 2024.