Contracting Overview
The success of Houston Airports depends upon doing business with thousands of qualified contractors, suppliers and vendors. We encourage you to pursue available business opportunities.
Doing Business with HAS
This section includes information on doing business with the City of Houston in general and with Houston Airports specifically. Depending on the type of business opportunity you seek, information can either be found on this website or the City of Houston's procurement site as follows:
Goods and Services: City of Houston Strategic Procurement Division
Design and Construction: HAS Procurement Solicitations
Professional Services: HAS Procurement Solicitations
Competitive bidding specifications are available through Bid Documents (awarded to low bidder), Requests for Proposal (RFPs), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Best Value Bid (BVB) and Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP). The type of method used depends upon the type of commodity or service being procured.

Professional Services - RFPs/RFQs
Certain professional services are competitively procured through notices, called Requests for Proposal (RFPs) or Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) issued directly by Houston Airports.
RFP/RFQ notices specify a scope of work and request that prospective vendors/providers supply a written statement of qualifications and related experience to perform the work. Cost estimates generally are not requested at this time. Instead, Houston Airports evaluates proposers based upon their capabilities and experience to perform the work specified and negotiates a contract with the best qualified vendor.
Specifications for HAS Professional Services opportunities are advertised and posted on the Solicitations page.
Design & Construction Projects
Design and construction of projects are awarded through a competitive bid process. The Infrastructure Division of Houston Airports coordinates the specification, advertisement, proposal/bid evaluation, and award of all projects.
Specifications for Design and Construction Projects are advertised and posted on the Solicitations page.

Goods and Services
To procure commodity goods and services, Houston Airports uses a variety of purchasing methods depending upon the type and estimated dollar amount of the purchase. The process can be as simple as a basic purchase order or involve a contracting process, including State, Federal, and other existing cooperative agreements where available.
As a City of Houston department, Houston Airports follows City of Houston purchasing practices, guidelines and policies, as administered by the City of Houston Strategic Procurement Division (see below).
Specifications for Goods and Services are advertised and posted on the City of Houston Strategic Procurement Division website.
Office of Business Opportunity
The City of Houston's policy is to stimulate the growth of minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs) by encouraging their full participation in all phases of its procurement activities, and by affording them a full and fair opportunity to compete for all City contracts.
Specific Affirmative Action goals for a project are defined in each RFP, RFQ, or Bid document.
For more information, visit these pages:
HAS Office of Business Opportunity
City of Houston Office of Business Opportunity
Register as a City of Houston Vendor
Registration is a three-step process:
1. Create a web account to access the website.
2. Complete and submit an online vendor registration form.
3. Fax your W-9 to the Vendor Assistance Desk at: 1-832-393-8758 or email:
Forms that are required to be included with procurements submissions (e.g. RFP, Bid, RFQ) and contracts are identified in the procurement documents. Generally, copies of the forms also are included.
Click on the link below to find and access necessary forms, applications and attachments applicable to conducting business with The City of Houston.