Commercial Vehicle Permits

Important Information
Permit Pickup Information
Please allow up to 2 weeks to receive an email from the Permitting Office to schedule a permit pickup.
Hours of Operation (Central Time)
Note: No walk-ins. By appointment only.
Monday - Thursday
Open: 8 am - 4 pm
Closed for lunch: 12 pm - 1 pm -
Open: 8 am - 12 pm -
Office Closed: City Holidays
Ground Transportation Center: 281-230-3179
Payment Information
Payments may be made by credit/debit card only.
Apply Online for the Commercial Vehicle Permit
Apply on-line for the commercial vehicle permit.
- create an account
- click “permits and licensing”
- apply on line
- jurisdiction is Houston Airports
- project type is Transportation Permits
- click “Get Started on a New Application”
- Select an Application Type
- Enter your address
- Enter your complete information if you are the driver with Business Name
- Files to be uploaded are: Current copy of your driver’s license, your current vehicle liability insurance, and current vehicle registration. All are required to be current with dates clearly visible.
- Once all fields are complete then “submit”. We will contact you for a time for you to come to the permitting office to obtain your Permit.
You will receive an email with a link to schedule a time for you to come and pick up your permit. Please bring your active app on your cell phone and your original documents.
By applying on line you understand that: The e-signature, as the applicant(s), and or the permittee(s) agrees: (A) have read the application in its entirety including any attachment(s) and Division 3 of the city ordinance; (B) and that this application is accurate, complete and not misleading; (C) and that the applicant remains responsible jointly and severally for compliance with applicable regulations at all times while operating on airport property, notwithstanding permit provisions or contrary information received from any other source; (D) the applicant also agree to notify the Director in writing of any changes in the application or permit on or before the 10th business day following the date of change or be subjected to revocation or suspension of airport use permit(s). Permittee(s) are aware of and will follow all Chapter 9, Chapter 46, House Bill 100 Chapter 2402, and the HAS Operating Instructions applicable, and acknowledges and agrees to abide by these regulations, policies and all valid (oral or written) instructions given by the Director or his or her representative(s).
Commercial Vehicle Forms
TaxiCab Service
Transportation Network Company (TNC)
A TNC is an organization, whether a corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, or other form, operating in the City of Houston that provides transportation services for compensation using an online enabled application (app) or platform to connect passengers with drivers using their personal vehicles as outlined in City Ordinances Chapter 9 and Chapter 46.
Prospective TNC organizations may contact Commercial Development via our Contact/Feedback
Maritime Transportation and Safeguard Services - Permitting and ID Badging (Class 9c)
A vehicle owned or operated by a business under contract to any commerce or navigation transactions upon the sea or in seaports. The vehicle is provided for the exclusive use of officers, agents, employees, customers or invitees of that Maritime Transportation and Safeguard Services business. There is no fare, change or anything of value paid, demanded, or expected from the persons transported. Permit holders providing Maritime Transportation and Safeguard Services are authorized to park in areas designated for such purpose in writing or map by the HAS Ground Transportation Office or for an additional fee may park in the airport garages or EcoPark lots.
Please click the following link for specific details: